Element 3

Element 3: Teachers plan, assess and report for effective learning



3.1.1 Teaching and learning goals

I have…made sure that all my lessons have clear focuses and aims, in relation to the syllabus outcomes. These are formed before the lesson content or sequence has been created, so that I know what I am working towards and what I want the students to be able to achieve by the end of a lesson/unit. The focuses of lessons also consider both the skills and content knowledge of the syllabus that needs to be sought. (Evidence 1)


3.1.2 Teaching and learning programs

I have...developed units of work that consist of coherent lesson sequences that engage students and address learning outcomes. A range of engaging materials and resources are also used to support student’s learning. (Evidence 2)


3.1.3 Selection and organisation of content




3.1.4 Selection, development and use of materials and resources




3.1.5 Linking assessment to learning

I have...developed knowledge of assessment strategies to assess student achievement of learning outcomes. This is on-going assessment that assists or informs my further planning. (Evidence 1) I also have knowledge of using explicit criteria for assessments, in which students know and are clear about. Evidence: Speech assessment criteria. 



I have...the understanding through designing on-going assessments that they make clear links to the lesson’s focus, and therefore the syllabus outcomes. (Evidence 1) In this piece of evidence you can see that my assessment strategies are link or are related to the lesson’s focus.


3.1.7 Providing feedback to students

I have...the ability to give helpful and timely oral and written feedback. This has been achieved on my practicum experiences where I was able to practice and provide students with feedback. This was more beneficial when it was on my own lessons as I was aware of where I wanted students to go, in terms of the lesson’s focus/outcomes.





3.1.8 Monitoring of students’ progress and record keeping

I have...demonstrated the ability to monitor students’ progress and record this. This was practiced on my practicum experiences through noting on a class roll which students could successfully complete a task or not. This then was used to inform my future planning, particularly on an individual level, i.e. where I needed to go next with each student’s developmental level. (Evidence 4)




3.1.9 Demonstrate understanding of the principles and practices of reporting

I have...an understanding of reporting, through observing teachers’ reporting on my practicum experiences. I have knowledge of how to set up a portfolio report, in which I was asked to create an assessment for inclusion in a class’s portfolios. (Evidence 5)

I have...an awareness that portfolios are a way of displaying student work to parents and therefore need to be clear and demonstrate a wide range of abilities in all key learning areas. I also have knowledge of the A to E system of marking and reporting. This can be seen in my unit of work for PE (identity) where we had to create a rubric for an assessment based on the A to E scale of marking. (Evidence 6)


Program Evaluation


3.1.10 Demonstrate an understanding of how student assessment affects future planning

I have...knowledge of formative assessment and assessment for learning. Where student results are used for future planning.  


What do you already know?

Planning cycle

Lesson planning; Unit planning

Assessment strategies: running record, SENA, ‘Starting with Assessment’, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment, Standardised Tests, Criterion Referenced, Norm Referenced, KWL Charts, rubrics


I will…collect some evidence of feedback that I have provided to students, to sample in my portfolio. I will also collect more evidence with on-gong assessments that I have conducted in class. I will also create a letter on my next practicum that is sent home to parents explaining what will be happening in class and the progress that their child is making. I will also further explore and use different assessment strategies on my next practicum.

I will...also ask the students in my class on my next practicum to write an evaluation of my teaching so that I can see from their perspective what was positive and negative about my teaching. On my next practicum, I will place all my lessons into the one folder, including class profile information, assessment records etc. so that I can use it as a program for future lessons and so on.


I need…to be actively aware of the evidence that I need to collect on my next practicum, especially in terms of assessments and feedback. I need to explore websites that provide me with a range of assessment strategies in which I can implement and trial on my next practicum experience.


I believe…that assessment and planning are linked. Assessment strategies must reflect the planned focus/goals and outcomes of the lesson/unit of work and therefore also inform the next planned unit or work’s focus. I believe that parents have the right to know how their child is progressing and therefore requires clear work samples and explanations of the outcomes students need to be achieving.


I believe…that feedback is so important for students learning in being able to see what they did wrong and how they can improve on this for next time. It is integral for the improvement of student learning but also helps with developing skills of self-learning and self-regulation of learning. I believe that feedback should be immediate, corrective and expressed positively.


Effective teachers tell their students what the lesson will be about and how and for what purpose they will be involved in the learning activities.